

"Freestyle and eclectic best describes my style"... .mixing it up with both traditional and candid images of real life moments with end results that will make you laugh, cry and love....

What sets me apart from the rest?
 Time is of the essense ...speed without sacrificing quality is the key.....Providing clients a password protected URL link to access their images via computer or smartphone within 24-48 hours (excluding weddings) . 
The most important thi ng a photographer can't do without is not his camera... a camera is just a tool for learning how to see without. Its having a "Photographic Eye" ..The art of observation with depth of feeling, not depth of field... Having this can make photographs taken with a camera phone look even better than images taking by the unexperienced using the most expensive cameras in the world..... 

The official photographer for "Free Riders United"  also known as "Shooter"
For questions,  please submit your request at